Complete Jack Russell Terrier panel
Test code: DOG-JACKCe profil reprend les analyses spécifiques à effectuer chez le Jack Russell Terrier: l'ataxie spinocérébelleuse (DOG-SCA), l'ataxie spinocérébelleuse d'apparition tardive (DOG-LOA), la luxation du cristallin (DOG-PLL), la brachyourie (queue courte) (DOG-QU), l'ichtyose (DOG-ICH) et l'hyperuricémie (DOG-HUU).
€217.80 -
Essential Chihuahua panel
Test code: DOG-CHI-E€108.90 -
Essential Border Collie panel
Test code: DOG-COLLIE-E€72.60 -
Essential Dobermann panel
Test code: DOG-DOBER-E€108.90 -
Essential Portuguese Water Dog panel
Test code: DOG-EAUPORT-EThis panel includes the essential tests to be performed for the Portuguese Water Dog: furnishings (DOG-FUR), gangliosidosis (DOG-GM1P) and progressive rod-cone degeneration (DOG-PRA-PRCD)
€108.90 -
Essential English Springer Spaniel panel
Test code: DOG-ESS-EThis panel includes the essential tests to be performed for the English Springer Spaniel: fucosidosis (DOG-FUCA), phosphofructokinase deficiency (DOG-PFKM) and progressive retinal atrophy 4 (DOG-PRA-CRD4 ).€108.90 -
Profil Teckel essentiel
Test code: DOG-TECK-ECe profil reprend les analyses spécifiques à effectuer chez le teckel: l'ostéogénèse imparfaite (DOG-OSTEO-T) et la dystrophie des cônes et des bâtonnets (DOG-CRD-SWHD).
€72.60 -
Essential Colley panel
Test code: DOG-COLL-E€108.90 -
Essential New Scotland Retriever panel
Test code: DOG-NSDTR-E€72.60 -
Complete Welsh Corgi panel
Test code: DOG-CORGIThis panel includes the specific tests to be performed for Welsh Corgi: Von Willebrand type 1 (DOG-VWD1), Bobtail (DOG-LH), Brachyury (DOG-QU) and Progressive Retinal Atrophy (DOG-PRA-RCD3).